Autophagy Mountains Podcast

If you have reached the 4th book in “A self-love journey series” you are almost there! This is where you will activate autophagy and rescue your suffering spirit!

I am so excited for you because once you master it you’ll become unstoppable!

Every day listen to this podcast to give you the encouragement you so desperately need when you do your first reboot back to factory settings.

Listen to Invigorating Miracles LLC podcast by Shamara Daniels
Take a self-love journey and listen to the podcast by Invigorating Miracles LLC Click the picture

If you haven’t yet take your self-love journey

Take a self love journey to free the spirit trapped within. Shamara Daniels podcast, Invigorating Miracles LLC
Shamara Daniels Natural Health Consultant

Overcoming Challenges

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

I need to get better at doing videos for my clients. Videos really help people to relate to my business so I have to put myself out there.

These are the steps to take when really trying to make a goal a reality!

  • Define your goal so that you know exactly what steps need to be taken
  • Identify the required skills needed to achieve your goals
  •  List the probable challenges you may face, and keep it real with yourself
  • Determine the required steps each goal will need to become a reality
  •   Make an actionable plan where every day you will do something to achieve your goals
  •     Follow your plan step by step but feel free to revise when life gets in your way
  • Take a self-love journey to remove toxins from the brain and create new brain cells

Autophagy Mountains

Autophagy mountains is where you will rescue your spirit on a self-love journey


Hello, I recently wrote my very first book called “Fasting 4 Life” back in 2019. I then called it “From fat to fabulous” and today it’s called “Autophagy Mountains.” It’s my best seller!

I put my heart & soul into this book because for me it was life or death to let the world know the truth!

I was dying of cancer and I was so tired of fighting I just stopped. I stopped eating and only drank water waiting for my final breath wishing it didn’t have to be this way.

I watched my kids with tears in their eyes wishing for better days. After 21 days of fasting which I was on the heavy side so I could afford to not eat that long, I had unknowingly killed every cancer cell in my body!

What happened at the time I did not know but my body was given a rest from the biggest job it’ll ever have to do daily and that is digestion.

When you constantly eat you wear your machine down, yes the body is a machine and also a temple. Your body requires certain foods to run great and certain exercises to maintain strength. 

I set out to get my diploma in nutrition and aromatherapy. I then went on to become a health consultant. I am already a licensed nurse but too many medical mistakes were going on for me to sleep at night.

I watch my patients walk into the clinic and take medication and follow up and now there are in a wheelchair. All medications are poison and their job is to do one thing to treat the symptom you are complaining about.

Now that medication may treat that runny nose but now you have a rash because your skin couldn’t filter out the poison so it got stuck in the bloodstream.  

How about you receive a prescription for a blood pressure medication that leads to kidney failure, heart failure, and hearing loss but it works wonders for your blood pressure.  I am sure you get my point, picking up what I’m putting down? Stop playing Russian roulette with your life! 

Not even speaking of extra weight you may think it looks great on you and your man too but healthwise it’s not natural at all. Everything in the body the heart, lungs, liver, etc all have to work harder just because you’re bigger. This can lead to a host of other problems I’m sure nobody would be proud to suffer from.  

There are so many weight loss pills, drinks, surgeries, etc. to help people get this added weight off of them so that their bodies can function normally again.

The thing is well, fasting is something that would be great not only for your weight loss but mastering how to turn down food. This is very hard for many people because they just love the taste and it brings them happiness and they feel loved.

This is all a game the food scientist play with us so that we become addicted to their product and will keep spending our money on it. If they didn’t do this people would not be motivated to make trips to the store when their favorite candy runs out. 

The amount of salt, sugar, and fat in the food is killing off our brain cells and making us mentally and physically sick! I am in the process of growing my own fruits and veggies and the taste is to die for, so fresh.

The fruits and veggies in the grocery store are being experimented on, injected with growth hormones, and sprayed down with killer pesticides then sold to the consumer “us.” This too wreaks havoc on the body! We have to be careful not everything in the store is considered edible by the laws of digestible foods!

Thank you so much for your support it means the world to me!! Please share my podcasts with the world, and be the change you want to see by being an example.  It only takes 5 seconds to share!

Support this podcast I would truly appreciate it and it will help me to keep my costs low to help everybody.

Come walk with me “prayer changes things”

Prayer changes things on a self love journey so listen to my podcast. Invigorating Miracles LLC podcast
Click the picture to listen to Prayer changes things


For anybody out there fasting right now who is having trouble, take it to the father!

Father please remove this addiction from my mind and heal my soul.

Father, I want nothing more than to please you but due to these demons I’m experiencing stumbling blocks.

Please Father cast out anything or anyone around me who means me harm. Father feed me the word as I fast so I can gain the spiritual nourishment needed to fully heal my temple as a whole.

In your name, I pray

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Take a self-love journey to rescue the spirit trapped within you & activate your superpower “autophagy.”

Fasting cleanses the mind, body, & spirit with a solution called “Peace of Mind”

Fasting is like an internal cleaning solution so take a self love journey and lets discuss it. Listen to my podcast Invigorating Miracles LLC
click the picture to listen to the podcast episode


Just imagine with me for a minute, close your eyes, and think about a huge center that cleanses the body from the inside out!

Wouldn’t it be great!! This place would clean out toxins, diseases, infections, viruses, immunity issues, damaged cells, and everything that could possibly harm your body!

Well, I just described what ongoing fasting does for you. This is the cure ladies western medicine says hasn’t been discovered yet.

If you would like to take a self-love journey I will teach you all I know.

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Cancer has had a damn cure forever but there’s no profit in it!

Listen to Invigorating Miracles LLC podcast by Shamara Daniels natural health consultant. I take women on a self love journey to rescue the spirit trapped within
click the picture to listen to the audio ladies


I’m tired of watching mustard gas used as a war weapon being used to treat cancer! A cancer cell is like a homeless person with no home training!! You feed it, it will come back, get comfy, & invite its family from out of town! When you finally have had enough and stop making life easy for the homeless person they’ll leave, hopefully!!! Same concept w/ cancer cells. They have no home training & eat 200x more than your regular cells. Sooooo if you don’t feed them they die & I’m talking about starving them to death!!!

Ladies I will teach you to activate autophagy and burn up all cancer cells for energy while on a self-love journey to rescue your spirit trapped within you.

She is the best version of yourself and she needs to be free to heal you.

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An interview with the kids!! Have you sat down to really understand how your kids are feeling??

Take a self love journey to rescue the spirit trapped within you. How are your children feeling?
To listen to the podcast episode click the picture


My kids show signs of distress daily so I try my best to keep them in the Bible & praying. We are protected so there is no need to worry but it’s important to always eat healthy foods & stay positive!!

If you’re not staying positive & eating healthy the stress of it all will consume you. Your adrenal glands will become exhausted, the thyroid will shut down on you, and you’ll end up producing acid in the stomach which can cause ulcers.

Stress will kill you if you don’t control it now & help those around you too. Everything you go through affects your children as well.

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Get your mind right by taking a self-love internal healing journey to free your suffering spirit. It’s a spiritual war going on and she longs to be free!

Walk Away “surviving domestic violence”

Listen to this podcast while on your self love journey to heal within after surviving domestic violence
Earphones and mobile phone with podcast app on screen


With all the events taking place around the world I can’t help but notice the domestic violence shelters are full, I know because I volunteer.

You hear the survival stories and you’re filled with joy! Then there are the ones who tried to leave, who tried to get help, and who are no longer here to tell their story.

I never really understood how someone put on the Earth to protect you can hurt you beyond repair. No matter where you are in your story, we all have one.

Just being able to say I made it, yes I still deal with the trauma but one day at a time! If your reading this & you feel like you’ve reached your breaking point, walk away!!!

I am a survivor… Today I take women on a self-love internal healing journey.

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Struggling to motivate yourself to become a better version of yourself?

Take a self love journey to motivate yourself to heal after domestic violence

Confidence & Happiness is like cause & effect!!

Listen to Invigorating Miracles LLC Podcast by Shamara Daniels NHC Take a self-love journey
click the picture to listen to the podcast episode


Hatred everywhere, destruction, and so many mental health cases! The world is full of negativity but with confidence & happiness, you can start a world of your own.

Use self-love affirmation to break generational curses that have caused your mindset to be so negative.

You are in control so be confident of that & happiness will come naturally. Be the change you want to see ladies by taking a self-love journey to free your spirit.

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Self Love is Absolutely Priceless

Listen to Invigorating Miracles Podcast. A self-love journey. Invigorating Miracles LLC Shamara Daniels NHC
Click the picture to listen to the podcast episode ladies


I just wanted to quickly remind you that toxic people live all around us & no matter what we do or where we go.

They’ll try to spread their negativity like a plague so please just learn to ignore them.

They eat alone & sleep alone and even when they’re surrounded by a crowd, there still alone!

You can’t change people so just do you but whatever it is, big or small, never let a struggle be a downfall! Every single lesson whether hurtful or beautiful is to strengthen your spirit.

Always think positively as the mind is a powerful weapon & it can literally make or break you. Use self-love affirmations.

Every day replace one bad habit with a good habit.

Create a to-do list every night to prepare for the next day. Perform weekly brain dumps to reduce stress and become more productive in your daily life.

Avoid sugar, dairy, & meat because food affects mood. Use aromatherapy to trick the brain into producing feel-good hormones.

Treat others respectively and avoid the darkness by being the light.

Every day is an opportunity to improve the old you spiritually & physically so make every second count!

Ladies if you feel you need to take a self-love healing journey to nourish the spirit and free her I would love to be your tour guide.

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